Friday, September 27, 2013

Game Night at the Batcave

So, I've actually been wanting to do a Role Playing centric display for quite some time. It's been percolating in the back of my mind, ready to strike at just the right moment.

I really do enjoy seeing superheroes do everyday, ordinary things: Playing cards, getting stuff out of the refrigerator, eating pizza. The list could go on and on. 

These photos (after the jump) represent the final project. 

I hope you enjoy Game Night at the Batcave!

Rogues Gallery is Under Cobra!

This Rogue Display was constructed around the time that G.I. Joe Retaliation hit theaters, surprising everyone and wiping the overly blah Rise of Cobra taste from our collective mouths.

Truthfully, G.I. Joe is hugely important to all of the managers at Rogues Gallery. For most of us, the 80's era comics were our entry point into the world of comics. I myself also grew up with the cheesy cartoon, which I still love to this day.

Still, it only made sense that I'd get around to having Cobra take over our comic shop. It just made too much sense.

Marvel Universe - End Times

So, I try (try being the operative word) to have a new display up for our store's biggest event, Free Comic Book Day. I'm still trying to dig up my favorite one, which entailed all of the heroes of Marvel attending their own Free Comic Book Day at Rogues Gallery, but this one, lovingly called End Times...well, it's a little darker.

This one took quite awhile. And it all started with a single piece of foamboard. It was a scrap piece, but it was rather large and an odd shape.

I decided it looked like it would make a cool space ship.

It grew from there.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

It's a Cybertronian Christmas

Christmas. Tis the time of the year to either go big or go home. The Christmas displays are usually the ones that are the most expansive, most insane, and a whole heck of a lot of fun.

This one was no different. Transformers are awesome. They're trucks and cars and planes that turn into robots. That kind of awesome logic rooted into my childhood brain and has been stuck there, and will continue to be stuck there. I constantly see new Transformers and I have a very hard time walking away without picking them up.

That said, I wanted to see what Christmas was like for Cybertronians. Would the two factions, the Autobots and Decepticons get along? Would they come together for a joyous occasion or would their animosity get the better of them and everything would descend into chaos?

What is Rogue Displays?

Rogue Displays is the digital home of Nick Budd, Maximillian Larch's Number One Toy Enthusiast and favorite plastic addict. Seriously, he's got tubs and tubs of these things. 

So. Many. Toys.

He's also one of the managers of Rogues Gallery Comics and Games, the source for comics and games in the Round Rock / Williamson County area since 2001.

On this site you'll find photo sets and process shots of the many displays that have graced the ceilings, walls, and display cases of Rogues Gallery Comics and Games.